Explaining - 14 Total Phrases- 221

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Feeling depressed

  1. Things have gotten completely out of control.
  2. I’m not feeling well now, but hopefully I’ll feel a lot better in the near future.
  3. I’ve been better.
  4. I have to figure it out for myself.
  5. You’re catching me at a bad time.
  6. I’m having a tough time.
  7. Recently I’ve been bouncing around like a yo-yo.
  8. I’ve had my ups and downs.
  9. I'm not myself.
  10. I have a lot on my mind.
  11. I never said it was going to be any different from the way it turned out.
  12. I never saw myself that way before.
  13. I feel like a bundle of nerves.
  14. I feel like a bump on a log.
  15. If you only knew what I’ve been through.
  16. I’ve been feeling under the weather.
  17. What I've been through has really knocked the stuffing out of me.
  18. Whenever I’m nervous, I tend to clam up.
  19. After a while, I just ran out of steam.

Feeling depressed