Total Phrases- 247

Scenes of Agreement

25 of 31

Out-positive / Agreement url

Instead of throwing out plastic bottles, I think we should recycle them.

  1. That really hits the nail on the head.
  2. I hear you as clear as a bell.
  3. That’s exactly what I think.
  4. Good idea.
  5. I can’t argue with you.
  6. I must admit that I see your point.
  7. You’re absolutely right.
  8. That’s true.
  9. That's not a bad idea.

Instead of throwing out plastic bottles, I think we should recycle them.

26 of 31

Out-positive / Agreement url

It always pays to be totally honest

  1. That certainly seems the best way.
  2. Well, I should hope so.
  3. I can’t help but think so.
  4. That’s a nice thought.
  5. That’s exactly what I mean.
  6. That’s a strategy that’s hard to beat.
  7. It’s just like what you said.
  8. You better believe it!
  9. That’s as true as the fact that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow morning.
  10. You can say that again.
  11. I won’t argue the point.

It always pays to be totally honest

27 of 31

Out-positive / Agreement url

There’s nothing like a good, brisk walk.

  1. That very well may be true.
  2. I won’t argue with you.
  3. You hit it on the head.
  4. It really hits the spot.
  5. You’ve got a good point.
  6. I’ll grant you that.
  7. I can verify what you’re saying from personal experience.
  8. It make’s good sense.

There’s nothing like a good, brisk walk.

28 of 31

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What do you say about my leaving the steak in the oven another 5 minutes?

  1. That’s just the way I like it.
  2. That sounds reasonable.
  3. That sounds like a good idea to me.
  4. Whatever you say is fine with me.
  5. That would really hit the spot.
  6. That would do me just fine.
  7. That’s exactly what I had in mind.

What do you say about my leaving the steak in the oven another 5 minutes?

29 of 31

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What do you think of our making a budget to keep track of our expenses?

  1. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  2. I think that it makes a lot of sense.
  3. It would certainly be a step in the right direction.
  4. That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking.
  5. You’re probably right.
  6. I agree that this is what we need right now.
  7. Great minds think alike.

What do you think of our making a budget to keep track of our expenses?

30 of 31

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Would you like to go for a walk in the park?

  1. I’m ready whenever you are.
  2. That sounds like a great idea.
  3. Sounds good to me.
  4. Now is as good a time as any.
  5. There’s nothing I’d like better.
  6. Yes indeed.
  7. All righty!
  8. Now is as good a time as any.

Would you like to go for a walk in the park?

31 of 31

Out-positive / Agreement url

Would you like to take another laptop similar to the one I gave you last time?

  1. I’ll give it a try.
  2. That's certainly fine with me.
  3. That would be perfect.
  4. That would be a win-win situation.
  5. I'd be glad to take it off your hands.
  6. I’ll take anything you have to offer.
  7. Of course I wouldn't mind.
  8. How could I forget how well it worked out last time.
  9. I’ll be glad to.
  10. I certainly will.
  11. You know it.
  12. If you don't need it, it's like one hand washing the other.

Would you like to take another laptop similar to the one I gave you last time?