Total Phrases- 804

Scenes of In-negative

61 of 63

In-negative / Confusion url

Trying to understand current events

  1. Can you help me figure out what’s going on?
  2. I don’t know who to believe anymore.
  3. Frankly, none of this make sense.
  4. I’m totally baffled.
  5. I don’t have a clue about what is going on.
  6. I’m totally dumbfounded.
  7. It puzzles me.
  8. I don’t know what to make of it.
  9. What do you make of it?
  10. What does it all mean?
  11. How has it come to this?

Trying to understand current events

62 of 63

In-negative / Doubt url

To chemist who blew up the lab

  1. You’re supposed to know these things.
  2. What have you done?
  3. How could you do that?
  4. I can’t believe it.
  5. You certainly have had a streak of bad luck.
  6. I didn’t think that was going to happen.
  7. What were you trying to do?
  8. Well what did you expect?
  9. Is that the best you can do?
  10. Maybe you should choose a different line of work.
  11. I don’t think anyone expected this result.
  12. The less said about it the better.
  13. What have you gotten yourself into?

To chemist who blew up the lab

63 of 63

In-negative / Doubt url

Someone saying he’s going on a new starvation diet

  1. It’s too high a price to pay.
  2. What gave you that idea?
  3. I just can’t picture it.
  4. You can’t believe everything you read.
  5. Boy, do you bounce from one extreme to another.
  6. I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re wasting your time.
  7. I’m sure you will, but I don’t give it much of a chance of success.
  8. The odds are against it.
  9. Where have I heard all of this before?
  10. I hope you know what you’re doing.
  11. You’ve got to take it with a grain of salt.

Someone saying he’s going on a new starvation diet