Total Phrases- 4513
1 of 402

In-positive / Happiness url

Resting at home on a day off

  1. It’s nice to be home.
  2. It’s a nice change of pace.
  3. There’s no place like home.
  4. I’ve never felt better in my life.
  5. I have the best of both worlds.
  6. There’s nothing quite like it.
  7. Home sweet home.
  8. Everything is just swell.
  9. This is the day we’ve all been waiting for.

Resting at home on a day off

2 of 402

In-positive / Realizing url

The day after a stock market crash

  1. I may not understand all the details, but I get the general idea and see the big picture.
  2. I could see it coming a mile away.
  3. It stands to reason.
  4. By process of elimination it’s the only answer that makes sense.
  5. So there you have it.
  6. I had a hunch we were getting very close to the end.
  7. We’ve been all through this before, and it’s deja-vu all over again.
  8. By the time it dawned on us, it was too late.
  9. It looks like we’re going to have to start from scratch.
  10. These things just sneak up on you.
  11. I see this as a wakeup call.
  12. This really taught me a lesson that I won’t quickly forget.
  13. I'm going to have to re-examine and think through all of my assumptions.
  14. It's very sobering.
  15. It happened when I least suspected it.
  16. I wonder why I didn't see that coming.
  17. I turned a blind eye to all the warning signals.

The day after a stock market crash

3 of 402

In-positive / Confidence url

After finding way out of the forest

  1. Throughout the whole situation I was cool as a cucumber.
  2. It went off without a hitch.
  3. I’m sure it’s going to be smooth sailing ahead.
  4. It won’t happen again.
  5. I’m a better person after what I’ve learned from this experience.
  6. Sometimes we learn the most from our challenges.
  7. Climbing up the mountain took the wind out of me, and I had to rest for an hour before continuing my trek.

After finding way out of the forest

4 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

If I get another junk phone call, I think I’ll scream

  1. I think that would be a totally appropriate and natural response.
  2. That’s totally understandable.
  3. I don’t blame you.
  4. I know the feeling.
  5. I feel exactly the same way.
  6. Same here.

If I get another junk phone call, I think I’ll scream

5 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url


  1. Don’t let the cat out of the bag.
  2. Don’t make matters worse.
  3. Keep it under your hat.
  4. Get a hold of yourself.
  5. Just try not to go overboard doing it, both in terms of time and money.
  6. Get control of yourself.
  7. Button your lip.
  8. Try and get a hold of yourself.
  9. I know that may feel good to speak your mind and get things off your chest, but sometimes it’s better just to bite your tongue.


6 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Not catching a fish

  1. Kiss this one goodbye.
  2. It’s not like I have much of a choice.
  3. I’ll be darned if I can help it.
  4. That’s the way it is.
  5. It’s not that bad.
  6. There’s not much I can do about it now.
  7. I’m going to let bygones be bygones.

Not catching a fish

7 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

Don’t you think there’s too much hate in the country between people?

  1. I feel exactly the same way.
  2. That goes without saying.
  3. Everybody knows that!
  4. I think you hit the nail right on the head.
  5. You very well may be right.
  6. You can say that again!
  7. That's as plain as the nose on your face.
  8. That's for sure.
  9. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Don’t you think there’s too much hate in the country between people?

8 of 402

Out-positive / Friendship url


  1. Take to your hearts content.
  2. Whatever is mine is yours.
  3. My heart is overflowing with a desire to give to you.
  4. I want you to feel totally comfortable here.
  5. I want you to regard my house as your home away from home.
  6. If everything is not totally to your liking, just let me know.
  7. Allow me to do something for you for a change.
  8. Share and share alike.
  9. I’m at your beck and call.


9 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Don’t worry

  1. Don’t be a worry-wart.
  2. Don’t worry about it.
  3. Put it out of your mind.
  4. Don’t sit around moping, and get on with your life.
  5. I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.
  6. You should look at the bright side of things, and not always be filled with doom and gloom.
  7. His bark is worse than his bite.

Don’t worry

10 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

I find your viewpoint hard to understand-2

  1. The two things are as different as night and day.
  2. What are you getting at?
  3. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  4. I’ve heard that line before.
  5. Give me a straight answer.
  6. I think you’re being too narrow minded.
  7. Do you realize what you’re saying?
  8. I can’t figure you out.
  9. How do you explain that?
  10. Oh yes, didn’t you know that?
  11. Ah, come on now, you must be kidding.
  12. Now what do you mean by that?
  13. Why would I want to do something like that?
  14. I have bigger fish to fry.

I find your viewpoint hard to understand-2

11 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Let’s make peace-2

  1. Let’s be reasonable.
  2. Don’t rule it out.
  3. Let’s not get started on the wrong foot.
  4. Is that OK with you?
  5. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.
  6. Let’s be open with each other.
  7. There’s no hard feelings between us, OK?
  8. I’ll make it up to you.
  9. See, that wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
  10. I’ve had a change of heart.

Let’s make peace-2

12 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Accept it-2

  1. You brought it on yourself.
  2. Start facing the facts.
  3. Profit from the experience.
  4. You have to make the best of it.
  5. Put the entire situation behind you.
  6. You can’t have everything.
  7. It the shoe fits wear it.
  8. Just accept it on face value.
  9. There’s nothing you can do about it.
  10. Forgive and forget.
  11. You asked for it.
  12. We can try to do things differently in the future, but it’s too late now to change what already happened.
  13. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
  14. Try to make the best of a bad situation.
  15. Better luck next time.

Accept it-2