Total Phrases- 377

Scenes of In-neutral

1 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Not catching a fish

  1. Kiss this one goodbye.
  2. It’s not like I have much of a choice.
  3. I’ll be darned if I can help it.
  4. That’s the way it is.
  5. It’s not that bad.
  6. There’s not much I can do about it now.
  7. I’m going to let bygones be bygones.

Not catching a fish

2 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Finding a parking place 5 blocks from the restaurant

  1. This is a good place as any.
  2. It’s certainly not what we hoped for, but it’s better than nothing.
  3. I think we don’t have much of a choice.
  4. That’s good enough for me.
  5. That’s to be expected.
  6. That’s just the way it’s going to have to be then.

Finding a parking place 5 blocks from the restaurant

3 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Just missing the train

  1. That’s not so terrible.
  2. That’s how it is sometimes.
  3. So be it.
  4. There’s more where that came from.
  5. That’s the way it goes.
  6. What can you do?

Just missing the train

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In-neutral / Caution url

Investing a lot of money in a startup

  1. I think there’s danger lurking ahead.
  2. Something about the whole situation smells.
  3. I’m going to proceed with caution with all deliberate speed.
  4. I’m going to get to the bottom of it.
  5. It’s too early to tell.
  6. The stakes are high.
  7. I’m going to try to be patient.
  8. Everything’s up in the air.
  9. Is the potential reward worth the risk?
  10. It might be too good to be true.
  11. It might be like reaching for the moon.
  12. It might take a while before the truth comes out.
  13. I can’t have it both ways.
  14. I shouldn’t count my chickens before they’re hatched.
  15. I might be making a big mistake.
  16. Don’t get too comfortable, because the situation is fluid and unpredictable, and could change at any moment.
  17. Let's give it time, and see how it plays out, because there could be a considerable upside potential.

Investing a lot of money in a startup

5 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Being bypassed for a promotion

  1. That’s life in the fast lane.
  2. What’s done is done.
  3. I guess it’s the way it had to be.
  4. Maybe it’s all for the best.
  5. It doesn’t really matter one way or another.
  6. That’s the way people are.
  7. It’s not that important.
  8. I’m humbled.
  9. Go right ahead, I don’t mind.
  10. We should just learn from our mistakes.
  11. You’re the boss.
  12. Let’s chalk it up to experience.

Being bypassed for a promotion

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Buying a car

  1. I dropped a bundle on it, but I’m glad I bought it.
  2. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
  3. How can I resist?
  4. I might as well.
  5. You never get something for nothing.
  6. It’s growing on me.
  7. It’s the best that I can do.

Buying a car

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Breaking up with someone

  1. It’s gone with the wind.
  2. It doesn’t matter.
  3. That’s the way it is.
  4. It makes good sense.
  5. Different strokes for different folks.
  6. I’ll just have to learn to live with it.
  7. It was nice while it lasted.
  8. It’s over once and for all.
  9. It’s over and done with.
  10. It’s all the same to me.
  11. It’s a little depressing, but what can I do?
  12. You take the good with the bad.
  13. To each his own.
  14. Her heart is in the right place.
  15. That’s what makes the world go round.
  16. It takes all kinds.
  17. I guess I got more out of it than I thought I had.
  18. All good things much come to an end.
  19. So much for that.
  20. I'm haunted by the fact that perhaps it didn't have to be this way, but it doesn't look like there's not much I can do about it at this point.
  21. It's a fait accompli.

Breaking up with someone

8 of 39

In-neutral / Caution url

Thinking of taking a high interest loan

  1. What am I getting myself into this time?
  2. I hope that this is not something that I will live to regret.
  3. I have to ask myself, is it worth it?
  4. If I’m mistaken, things could all come tumbling down.
  5. I should know better than that.
  6. There’s got to be an easier way.
  7. Don’t do anything precipitously that you can’t easily undo.
  8. I could end up in trouble up to my ears.
  9. I shouldn’t get myself involved with something that I can’t get out of.
  10. Let’s cool our heels, and be patient and wait to see what happens.
  11. I should have realized from the very beginning that it’s important not to spend a lot more than you earn if you don’t want to end up being saddled with a lot of debt - and now it doesn't look as if I have any good options to choose from.

Thinking of taking a high interest loan

9 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Being offered a job

  1. Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.
  2. It’s better late than never.
  3. I’ll buy that.
  4. All’s well that ends well.
  5. If the shoes fits wear it.
  6. That works out best all around.

Being offered a job

10 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Admitting a mistake

  1. It may not be a pretty picture, but at least now it’s all out in the open.
  2. Everyone’s gotta do what they gotta do.
  3. What other options do I have?
  4. We have no choice.
  5. I decided to stand up like a man and admit it.
  6. Nobody’s perfect.
  7. Take it from me, it couldn’t be helped.
  8. One good deed leads to another.
  9. It’s better that way.

Admitting a mistake

11 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Finding that the pet parakeet passed away

  1. Here today, gone tomorrow.
  2. It’s a fact of life.
  3. These things don’t last forever.
  4. There’s nothing that I can do about it.
  5. It’s all for the best.
  6. You know how it is.
  7. Some good came of it.
  8. There’s a proper time for everything.
  9. It’s only natural.
  10. Nature takes its course.

Finding that the pet parakeet passed away

12 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Starting the marathon race

  1. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.
  2. You know anything’s possible.
  3. Times they are a changing.
  4. I’ll just deal with it the best I can.
  5. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Starting the marathon race