Total Phrases- 852

Scenes of In-positive

61 of 79

In-positive / Hope url

Graduating from college

  1. Now I’ve got a whole new outlook on life.
  2. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime.
  3. It’s my big break.
  4. It’s opening up a whole new world.
  5. I’ll be much better off.
  6. It’s a great way of life.
  7. The sky’s the limit.
  8. I’ve been waiting a long time for this, and today’s the day.
  9. We put a lot of work into it, and now it looks like the effort will bear fruit.
  10. I feel like I have a new lease on life.
  11. It’s something I have to live for.
  12. I have a new lease on life.
  13. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time.
  14. Things are looking up.

Graduating from college

62 of 79

In-positive / Surprise url

Learning that a friend is a thief

  1. I’m shocked to say the least.
  2. I suspected it was true, but I didn’t put 2 and 2 together.
  3. I was so shocked because it happened right out of nowhere.
  4. The truth comes out at last.
  5. I didn’t expect it at all.
  6. I never would have suspected it.
  7. Speaking of the devil.
  8. Good grief.
  9. Ahah, just as I suspected.
  10. What was that all about?
  11. In all my years I never thought I’d live to see the day when you would say something like that.
  12. The cat is out of the bag.
  13. That came from out of left field.
  14. I am shocked beyond belief.

Learning that a friend is a thief

63 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

Planning a birthday party for a child

  1. Don’t worry your little head about it.
  2. It’s falling into place.
  3. That’s hardly a problem.
  4. I have it all figured out.
  5. All the plans are in place.
  6. You don’t have to worry about anything.
  7. You can put all your concerns aside and look forward to something wonderful.

Planning a birthday party for a child

64 of 79

In-positive / Surprise url

You win the lottery

  1. The experience was so strange that I felt I was entering into never-never land.
  2. You could have knocked me over with a feather.
  3. Oh my gosh!
  4. It happened just outta the blue.
  5. It really blew my mind.
  6. Can you believe it?
  7. Boy, I’m telling you.
  8. One thing happened after another, and suddenly I found myself in a position that was totally unexpected.

You win the lottery

65 of 79

In-positive / Determination url

Head of a political party

  1. The reason most people do not accomplish more is that they do not attempt more.
  2. We still have a ways to go.
  3. The show must go on.
  4. We have our work cut out for us.
  5. We have an image to uphold.
  6. You have to cut through the red tape.
  7. It’s time to shift into high gear.
  8. My lips are sealed.
  9. There’s nothing that stick-to-itive-ness can’t accomplish.
  10. It’ll happen before you know it.
  11. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
  12. Greatness is within our reach.

Head of a political party

66 of 79

In-positive / Relief url

Getting a bonus from work to pay off loans

  1. We nipped it in the bud.
  2. It happened just in the nick of time.
  3. That takes a big load off of my mind.
  4. Thank goodness for little things.
  5. It’s just what the doctor ordered.
  6. We were saved just by the skin on our teeth.
  7. Things will finally get back to normal.
  8. When I heard the news, I breathed a sigh of relief.
  9. Our ship has finally come in.

Getting a bonus from work to pay off loans

67 of 79

In-positive / Surprise url

Seeing a magic trick

  1. That’s amazing.
  2. I can’t believe my eyes.
  3. Now you see it, now you don’t.
  4. It’s unbelievable.
  5. It’s absolutely extraordinary.
  6. I’ve never been so surprised in all my life.
  7. I’ve never seen anything like it.
  8. That’s the strangest think I’ve ever seen.
  9. I’m dumbfounded.
  10. If I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes, I never would have believed it.
  11. Did you see what I saw?
  12. Look at that!
  13. Now you see them, now you don’t.

Seeing a magic trick

68 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

Given a new assignment at work

  1. I should have no trouble accomplishing the task.
  2. This will be one more feather in my cap.
  3. I know everything there is to know about it.
  4. It’s a piece of cake.
  5. Consider it done.
  6. I’ve done it once, and I can do it again.
  7. That’ll be no problem whatsoever.
  8. I can knock that off in no time flat.
  9. I can get through this in no time at all.
  10. I know where it’s at.
  11. Now we're getting into a whole new territory.
  12. That’s very do-able.
  13. That will be carried out to the letter.
  14. That’s as easy as pie.
  15. I’m going to get it done in two seconds flat.
  16. My head is still above water.

Given a new assignment at work

69 of 79

In-positive / Happiness url

At an amusement park

  1. I’ve never had so much fun in all my life.
  2. I love every minute of it.
  3. I’m having the time of my life.
  4. I’m a happy as a lark.
  5. I’m having a smashing good time.
  6. The joy from the experience will last for a while.
  7. I feel like jumping for joy.
  8. I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
  9. For me, the experience was so fantastic it was off the charts.
  10. I’m overjoyed.

At an amusement park

70 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

Preparing for a test

  1. I can do it with my eyes shut.
  2. I know it like the back of my hand.
  3. I’ve got it under control.
  4. I think I’ll be able to muddle through for a while.
  5. I made a lot of progress.
  6. I can cope with it.
  7. It will be a breeze.
  8. I'm holding my own.
  9. My head is still above water.
  10. So far so good.
  11. Every few hours I just run out of steam and need to rest awhile until I get my energy back.
  12. I’m holding my own.

Preparing for a test

71 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

Shopping for clothes for camp

  1. You’ll be out of here so fast your head will spin.
  2. We’re getting our money’s worth.
  3. That was a productive use of our time.
  4. I’ve got it all under control.
  5. I’m going to have to ride shotgun on this task to make sure it gets done.
  6. Now this certainly seems like a worthwhile endeavor.

Shopping for clothes for camp

72 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

Traveling by car to a new destination

  1. It’s a hop, skip, and a jump away from here.
  2. It’s not that far as the crow flies.
  3. So far, so good.
  4. It’s clear sailing from here on in.
  5. It’s going to be smooth sailing from here on in.
  6. What could possibly go wrong?
  7. Now I wouldn’t let anything bad happen, would I?
  8. I know what I’m doing.
  9. I'm going to wing it.

Traveling by car to a new destination