In-neutral - 39 Total Phrases- 377

17 of 39

In-neutral / Caution url

Investing a lot of money in a startup

  1. I think there’s danger lurking ahead.
  2. Something about the whole situation smells.
  3. I’m going to proceed with caution with all deliberate speed.
  4. I’m going to get to the bottom of it.
  5. It’s too early to tell.
  6. The stakes are high.
  7. I’m going to try to be patient.
  8. Everything’s up in the air.
  9. Is the potential reward worth the risk?
  10. It might be too good to be true.
  11. It might be like reaching for the moon.
  12. It might take a while before the truth comes out.
  13. I can’t have it both ways.
  14. I shouldn’t count my chickens before they’re hatched.
  15. I might be making a big mistake.
  16. Don’t get too comfortable, because the situation is fluid and unpredictable, and could change at any moment.
  17. Let's give it time, and see how it plays out, because there could be a considerable upside potential.

Investing a lot of money in a startup