In-neutral - 39 Total Phrases- 377

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Thinking of taking a high interest loan

  1. What am I getting myself into this time?
  2. I hope that this is not something that I will live to regret.
  3. I have to ask myself, is it worth it?
  4. If I’m mistaken, things could all come tumbling down.
  5. I should know better than that.
  6. There’s got to be an easier way.
  7. Don’t do anything precipitously that you can’t easily undo.
  8. I could end up in trouble up to my ears.
  9. I shouldn’t get myself involved with something that I can’t get out of.
  10. Let’s cool our heels, and be patient and wait to see what happens.
  11. I should have realized from the very beginning that it’s important not to spend a lot more than you earn if you don’t want to end up being saddled with a lot of debt - and now it doesn't look as if I have any good options to choose from.

Thinking of taking a high interest loan