All Scenes - 402 Total Phrases- 4513
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General thanks
- That was real sweet of you.
- You’re a life saver.
- I’m touched by your concern.
- Thank you for the kind words.
- I owe you one.
- Let me make it up to you.
- Thank you for your patience.
- I appreciate the suggestion.
- One good turn deserves another.
- Thanks for letting me know.
- I owe you a great deal.
- You’re always there when I need a friend.
- I couldn’t have done it without you.
- That’s nice of you to say that.
- I just may take you up on that.
- Don’t think for one minute that I wouldn’t do the same for you.
- It’s the thought that counts.
- I would be delighted to accept your generous offer.
- Thanks for giving me the red carpet treatment.
- I feel like this is my home away from home.
- I was as hungry as a bear, and I really appreciate the delicious meal.
- Thanks for the warning.
- What you did was incredibly helpful.
- Thank you for the useful tip.
General thanks