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Feeling depressed

- Things have gotten completely out of control.
- I’m not feeling well now, but hopefully I’ll feel a lot better in the near future.
- I’ve been better.
- I have to figure it out for myself.
- You’re catching me at a bad time.
- I’m having a tough time.
- Recently I’ve been bouncing around like a yo-yo.
- I’ve had my ups and downs.
- I'm not myself.
- I have a lot on my mind.
- I never said it was going to be any different from the way it turned out.
- I never saw myself that way before.
- I feel like a bundle of nerves.
- I feel like a bump on a log.
- If you only knew what I’ve been through.
- I’ve been feeling under the weather.
- What I've been through has really knocked the stuffing out of me.
- Whenever I’m nervous, I tend to clam up.
- After a while, I just ran out of steam.
Feeling depressed