All Scenes - 402 Total Phrases- 4513

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Throwing out a bag of laundry by mistake

  1. How was I supposed to know?
  2. What did I do this time?
  3. That never would have occurred to me.
  4. I wish I had known.
  5. I had no way of knowing.
  6. OK, I’m not perfect.
  7. I apologize profusely.
  8. It was totally unintentional.
  9. There’s nothing I can do about it now.
  10. My humble apologies.
  11. Sorry about that.
  12. If I knew what I was doing, I certainly wouldn’t have done it.
  13. I certainly didn’t do it on purpose.
  14. They looked so similar that I had no way of knowing.
  15. It came as a surprise to me.
  16. I’m awfully sorry.
  17. How was I supposed to know that?

Throwing out a bag of laundry by mistake