All Scenes - 402 Total Phrases- 4513

346 of 402

Out-positive / Encouragement url

To a friend, both of you considering starting a business together

  1. This is a golden opportunity to make the most of the situation for the long haul.
  2. Success is sometimes a long drawn-out process.
  3. Let’s take one step at a time, and climb one mountain at a time.
  4. As they say, it’s not the mountain in front of us that makes us hesitate, but the pebble in our shoe.
  5. At any rate it’s worth a try.
  6. Now we’re cooking with gas.
  7. The rest is up to us.
  8. There’s no harm in trying.
  9. Let’s put our mind to it, and there’s nothing we can’t do.
  10. I think we’re onto something.
  11. This work is tailored to our needs and abilities.
  12. It will happen before you know it.

To a friend, both of you considering starting a business together