Total Phrases- 4513
61 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

There’s nothing like a good, brisk walk.

  1. That very well may be true.
  2. I won’t argue with you.
  3. You hit it on the head.
  4. It really hits the spot.
  5. You’ve got a good point.
  6. I’ll grant you that.
  7. I can verify what you’re saying from personal experience.
  8. It make’s good sense.

There’s nothing like a good, brisk walk.

62 of 402

Out-neutral url


  1. Don’t make a snap decision.
  2. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  3. She just needs time.
  4. Sleep on it.
  5. Sit tight!
  6. It takes time.
  7. Be patient and cool your heels, because I fully expect that she’ll come around eventually.
  8. Keep your shirt on.
  9. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.


63 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Let it go

  1. Don’t prolong the agony.
  2. Get your mind off the subject.
  3. Let yourself go.
  4. Let it all hang out.
  5. Don’t dwell on it.
  6. Go with the flow.
  7. Let it flow freely.
  8. Put it all behind you.
  9. The best thing is to roll with the punches.
  10. A watched pot never boils.

Let it go

64 of 402

Out-positive / Encouragement url

To a friend who is working very hard at a new job

  1. You’ll get your reward in the long run.
  2. Of course it’s above and beyond the call of duty.
  3. It’s very sorely needed, and I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
  4. It’s for a worthy cause.
  5. When you look back on it, you’ll see that it was all worth it.
  6. It’s not as if you have much of a say in the matter.
  7. That’s a good choice.
  8. That’s a wise decision.
  9. How’s it coming?
  10. You’re a good man.
  11. Do whatever you feel you have to do, whatever you feel is necessary in the situation.

To a friend who is working very hard at a new job

65 of 402

Out-negative / Push away url

I don’t want to do it

  1. That’s the last thing I want.
  2. I’m not crazy about it.
  3. I’m not in the mood.
  4. No thank you.
  5. Thanks but no thanks.
  6. That gives me the creeps.
  7. I wouldn’t do that for all the money in the world.
  8. For me it’s just a big turnoff.
  9. Do your own dirty work.
  10. That’s not my problem.
  11. That’s not my cup of tea.
  12. I’m not going to stoop so low as to do something like that.
  13. That’s of no concern to me.
  14. It doesn’t float my boat.
  15. I don’t feel like it.

I don’t want to do it

66 of 402

In-positive / Amazed url

General Amazement Situations

  1. I can’t believe how hot it is.
  2. Where is everybody?
  3. My goodness!
  4. Now that’s a good question.
  5. That must have cost you a pretty penny.
  6. He’s growing like a weed.
  7. The phone’s been ringing off the hook.
  8. Have I got a story to tell you!
  9. You don’t know the half of it.
  10. You’d never guess in a million years.
  11. It’s like he has eyes in the back of his head.
  12. Look at it come down, it’s raining cats and dogs.
  13. I can’t believe how cold it is.
  14. It boggles the mind just to imagine the possibilities.
  15. He’s the spitting image of him.
  16. What's your secret sauce?

General Amazement Situations

67 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Slow down

  1. Just slow down and review your options before you make a rash move.
  2. Take it one step at a time.
  3. You have all the time in the world.
  4. Take your time.
  5. You have to think this through.
  6. That take’s time.
  7. Slow down and take a deep breath.
  8. You deserve a break.
  9. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Slow down

68 of 402

In-negative / Confusion url

Lost in a forest

  1. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.
  2. Do you think that we’re getting anywhere?
  3. What am I supposed to do?
  4. I can’t figure out what’s going on, and I feel like I’m shooting in the dark.
  5. How am I going to pull this off?
  6. I’m on a wild goose chase.
  7. What are we going to do now?
  8. So now what do I do?
  9. What’s going on?
  10. I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Lost in a forest

69 of 402

In-positive / Happiness url

Getting married

  1. I’m on cloud nine.
  2. And they lived happily ever after.
  3. I’m feeling on top of the world.
  4. We hit the jackpot!
  5. It’s a fairy-tale come true.
  6. I’m in seventh heaven.
  7. It’s a dream come true.
  8. This makes it all worth while.
  9. Things couldn’t be better.
  10. I have so much to look forward to.
  11. Everything will be wonderful.
  12. I’m grinning from ear to ear.
  13. I feel like I’m on cloud nine.
  14. I’m feel like I’m on top of the world.
  15. I feel like I’m walking on air.
  16. I’m in 7th heaven.

Getting married

70 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Calm down

  1. You’re too up tight.
  2. Loosen up.
  3. Don’t get hot under the collar.
  4. Don’t take leave of your senses.
  5. Don’t let your imagination run away with itself.
  6. Get a handle on it.
  7. Don’t blow your cool.
  8. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
  9. Don’t worry, you’ll get over it.
  10. Stop feeling sorry for yourself!
  11. Don’t mope around.
  12. Try and catch your breath.
  13. You shouldn’t go around like a chicken with its head cut off.
  14. Don’t worry about it, it was a freak occurrence, and chances are it’ll never happen again.
  15. Take a deep breath, and try to pull yourself together.

Calm down

71 of 402

Out-neutral / Observation url

About Others – Negative-2

  1. She’s as skinny as a rail.
  2. She’s as cold as a fish.
  3. He’s loosing his nerve.
  4. She’s gone overboard, and I don’t see that there’s any restraint in what she’s doing.
  5. He’s torn apart inside.
  6. She’s crying her eyes out.
  7. She wouldn’t lift a finger.
  8. I don’t think he’ll be very pleased.
  9. I feel bad for him.
  10. He’s really off the wall.
  11. He’s having trouble making ends meet.
  12. His stomach’s a bottomless pit.
  13. He thinks that everything is coming to him.

About Others – Negative-2

72 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

After an operation

  1. It’s just going to take time.
  2. I’m feeling as well as can be expected given the circumstances.
  3. I think for a while I’ll just have to get used to living with it hanging over my head.
  4. I’ll take each day as it comes.
  5. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  6. It is what it is.
  7. I can’t complain.
  8. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  9. It takes some getting used to.
  10. At first after the operation, I felt achy all over, but I recovered bit by bit, day by day, slowly but surely.
  11. It could have been a whole lot worse.
  12. Life has its challenges.

After an operation