Total Phrases- 4513
85 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Not catching a fish

  1. Kiss this one goodbye.
  2. It’s not like I have much of a choice.
  3. I’ll be darned if I can help it.
  4. That’s the way it is.
  5. It’s not that bad.
  6. There’s not much I can do about it now.
  7. I’m going to let bygones be bygones.

Not catching a fish

86 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Accept it-1

  1. Come to terms with it.
  2. You can’t always get what you want.
  3. I don’t think you have a choice.
  4. You’d better get used to it.
  5. It’s a change for the best.
  6. You can’t make it last forever.
  7. Put it in the past.
  8. You did it of your own free will.
  9. It’s out of your hands now.
  10. Let’s face it.
  11. You have to put up with it.
  12. You got off lucky this time.
  13. No use crying over spilled milk.
  14. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
  15. Different strokes for different folks.
  16. The message is direct, clear, and in your face.
  17. You made your bed, now lie in it.
  18. Life has its twists and turns.

Accept it-1

87 of 402

Out-positive / Encouragement url

For a fellow worker who is hesitant to present a new idea to the boss

  1. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
  2. You have nothing to worry about.
  3. Don’t sell yourself short.
  4. What’s holding you back?
  5. What could go wrong?
  6. Your fears are your worst enemy.
  7. I'm sure they're going to appreciate your trying.
  8. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
  9. At the very worst, they won't use your idea, but it’s certainly not going to hurt anything.
  10. What's the downside?
  11. Grab the brass ring.
  12. Maybe they’ll take you up on it.
  13. What’s the worst case scenario?
  14. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  15. No pain, no gain.
  16. Speak up and make yourself heard.
  17. You don’t have to sell yourself to me, screw up your courage and say what you have to say to the powers that be.
  18. Just remind yourself that speaking up is not a bad choice, mind you.
  19. Don’t worry, they’ll understand.
  20. They’re on the up and up, and they’re not going to pull any punches.
  21. You need to stand up for yourself.
  22. I think you should jump at the opportunity.
  23. It never hurts to ask.

For a fellow worker who is hesitant to present a new idea to the boss

88 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

I need you to stop looking at your cell phone while you’re talking to me

  1. You have my undivided attention.
  2. I hear you loud and clear.
  3. You’ve got a good point there.
  4. That sounds fair to me.
  5. You have my word.
  6. I’m slowly coming around to your way of seeing things.
  7. As you wish.
  8. I know what you mean.
  9. I can relate to that.
  10. I stand corrected.
  11. I read you loud and clear.

I need you to stop looking at your cell phone while you’re talking to me

89 of 402

In-negative / Desperation url

Lost in the forest

  1. I’ve run out of steam.
  2. The situation is so grim.
  3. The situation was so dangerous that I thought it was curtains.
  4. I’m worried to death.
  5. I can’t cope with it.
  6. I’m scared to death.
  7. Time is running out.
  8. It’s all a nightmare.
  9. I’m never going to make it.
  10. I’m reaching the end of my rope.
  11. I was up the creek without a paddle.

Lost in the forest

90 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Expand your choices

  1. Don’t knock it till you try it.
  2. Reach for the stars.
  3. Reach for the sky.
  4. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
  5. Give it one more try.
  6. Don’t snub your nose at it.
  7. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  8. It depends on what you want to do.

Expand your choices

91 of 402

Out-neutral / Observation url

About Others - Negative-1

  1. He’s got egg all over his face.
  2. It will be on his head.
  3. He’s given her every chance.
  4. She’s taking her own sweet time.
  5. She’s a bundle of nerves.
  6. He’ll see red.
  7. The odds are against them.
  8. She dumped him like a hot potato.
  9. She’s in a state of shock.
  10. It’s hard not to feel sorry for him.
  11. He’s making life miserable for himself.
  12. He’s got a few under his belt.
  13. Who in their right mind would do something like that?
  14. They sound like a bunch of bozos.

About Others - Negative-1

92 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

Don’t you agree that guaranteed basic income would reduce poverty?

  1. I must admit, when you’re right, you’re right.
  2. That’s exactly what I think.
  3. I think that’s an idea whose time has come.
  4. That would be neat.
  5. I agree that it’s as simple as that.
  6. I see your point.
  7. I have a funny feeling that time will bear that out.
  8. Amen!
  9. You couldn’t be more right.
  10. I believe that the data will validate what you are saying.

Don’t you agree that guaranteed basic income would reduce poverty?

93 of 402

In-positive / Determination url

General during battle

  1. We’ll see what we can do to rectify the situation.
  2. Never, never, never give up.
  3. I’m a stubborn man.
  4. You’ve got to be tough as leather.
  5. Don’t give up the ship.
  6. That’s an order.
  7. Might makes right.
  8. I have no choice but to take matters in my own hands.
  9. If the enemy breaches our last line of defense, will we have to defend our position with all we've got.
  10. I’ve just begun to fight.
  11. I’ll take my chances.
  12. I’ll guard it with my life.
  13. I’m determined to go through with the plan.
  14. This is the moment of truth that will test our mettle, to see what stuff we are really made of.
  15. It’s now or never.
  16. It’s above and beyond the call of duty.
  17. We shall overcome.
  18. We’ve crossed the point of no return.

General during battle

94 of 402

Out-negative / Annoyed url

You are hurting me

  1. You used me.
  2. You’re treating me like I’m low man on the totem pole.
  3. You’re causing me great pain.
  4. I don’t like to be played for a sucker.
  5. You make my life miserable.
  6. You’re a thorn in my side.
  7. Don’t give me the cold shoulder.
  8. This is beginning to wear on me.
  9. You make me feel like two cents.
  10. Don’t brush me off.
  11. Don’t patronize me.
  12. Don’t push your luck.
  13. You’re such a pain in the neck.
  14. That hit me below the belt.
  15. What am I, chopped liver?
  16. Stop nickel and diming me.
  17. That’s what really burns me up.

You are hurting me

95 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Can you see my viewpoint?

  1. Do you have any idea what I’m talking about?
  2. Do you read me?
  3. Am I getting through to you?
  4. Do I make myself clear?
  5. Are we on the same page?
  6. Do you get the picture?
  7. Do you know what I mean?
  8. Do you see what I mean?
  9. How does that grab you?
  10. Will you consider it?
  11. Do you understand?
  12. How can I make you understand?
  13. You can understand, can’t you?
  14. Catch my drift?
  15. Will that present a problem?
  16. Does that ring a bell?
  17. Will you think about what I said?
  18. First off, let’s make sure that we’re on the same page.
  19. I’m just letting you know that this is how I see the situation.

Can you see my viewpoint?

96 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Let it go

  1. Don’t prolong the agony.
  2. Get your mind off the subject.
  3. Let yourself go.
  4. Let it all hang out.
  5. Don’t dwell on it.
  6. Go with the flow.
  7. Let it flow freely.
  8. Put it all behind you.
  9. The best thing is to roll with the punches.
  10. A watched pot never boils.

Let it go