Total Phrases- 4513
193 of 402

In-positive / Happiness url

Eating a delicious meal

  1. It’s the highlight of my day.
  2. It really hits the spot.
  3. There’s nothing like it.
  4. Now that’s more like it.
  5. I’m as happy as a clam.
  6. Thank heaven for small miracles.
  7. I feel an inner glow that will last for some time.
  8. That’s certainly something to write home about.

Eating a delicious meal

194 of 402

Out-positive / Encouragement url

To a friend, both of you considering starting a business together

  1. This is a golden opportunity to make the most of the situation for the long haul.
  2. Success is sometimes a long drawn-out process.
  3. Let’s take one step at a time, and climb one mountain at a time.
  4. As they say, it’s not the mountain in front of us that makes us hesitate, but the pebble in our shoe.
  5. At any rate it’s worth a try.
  6. Now we’re cooking with gas.
  7. The rest is up to us.
  8. There’s no harm in trying.
  9. Let’s put our mind to it, and there’s nothing we can’t do.
  10. I think we’re onto something.
  11. This work is tailored to our needs and abilities.
  12. It will happen before you know it.

To a friend, both of you considering starting a business together

195 of 402

In-positive / Confidence url

Husband telling his tired wife he will make dinner

  1. You let me worry about that.
  2. I can handle it.
  3. Let me handle this.
  4. Don’t you worry about a thing.
  5. Just leave it to me.
  6. This is just my cup of tea.
  7. You’re in good hands.

Husband telling his tired wife he will make dinner

196 of 402

Out-negative / Annoyed url

You are wrong-2

  1. This is highway robbery.
  2. I think you owe me an apology.
  3. I think what you are doing stinks.
  4. You’ve got it backwards.
  5. You’ve got some nerve.
  6. How could you even think of doing this?
  7. There’s no excuse for it.
  8. That was uncalled for.
  9. I ought to pity you.
  10. That was uncalled for!
  11. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

You are wrong-2

197 of 402

In-positive / Determination url

Director of a Broadway musical

  1. This is one of the most important things we’ve ever done.
  2. Let’s get going without delay!
  3. Give me a half of chance, and I’ll show you what I can accomplish.
  4. Let’s get the ball rolling.
  5. Let’s get the show on the road.
  6. The show must go on.

Director of a Broadway musical

198 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Choosing an item from the menu

  1. It’s six of one or half a dozen of the other.
  2. I guess I just can’t have it both ways.
  3. At one point I have to bite the bullet.
  4. At one point you just have to fish or cut bait.

Choosing an item from the menu

199 of 402

In-negative / Desperation url

Missing the last train

  1. It’s enough to make me cry.
  2. I’ve had all I can handle.
  3. I'm coming apart at the seams.
  4. I just can’t take it anymore.
  5. I can hardly stand it.
  6. It’s driving me crazy.
  7. That’s the kind of day it’s been.
  8. I needed that like a hole in the head.
  9. I shouldn’t have waited till the last minute.

Missing the last train

200 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

Would you like to take another laptop similar to the one I gave you last time?

  1. I’ll give it a try.
  2. That's certainly fine with me.
  3. That would be perfect.
  4. That would be a win-win situation.
  5. I'd be glad to take it off your hands.
  6. I’ll take anything you have to offer.
  7. Of course I wouldn't mind.
  8. How could I forget how well it worked out last time.
  9. I’ll be glad to.
  10. I certainly will.
  11. You know it.
  12. If you don't need it, it's like one hand washing the other.

Would you like to take another laptop similar to the one I gave you last time?

201 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Trust me

  1. I won’t steer you wrong.
  2. Please take my advice.
  3. I’ll know when the time is right.
  4. Heed what I am saying.
  5. Do as I say, not as I do.
  6. Take a tip from me.
  7. That’s a solemn promise.
  8. Now pay attention to what I’m trying to tell you, and I want your undivided attention.
  9. Mark my words that as sure as I’m standing here, what I’m saying is the honest truth.
  10. Just stick with me.

Trust me

202 of 402

In-positive / Surprise url

Your favorite team wins 10 games in a row

  1. It happens only once in a blue moon.
  2. If that don’t beat all.
  3. There are no words to describe it.
  4. Will wonders never cease?
  5. Lo and behold.
  6. My goodness.
  7. It’s a whole new ballgame.
  8. Heavens to Betsy.
  9. Can you imagine that?
  10. Do you dig it?

Your favorite team wins 10 games in a row

203 of 402

Out-positive / Friendship url

Opening a conversation

  1. A penny for your thoughts?
  2. What’s on your mind?
  3. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
  4. Do you like it here?
  5. How’s it going?
  6. Let’s have a little chat.
  7. Let me know when you are free.
  8. Let’s not talk shop.

Opening a conversation

204 of 402

In-negative / Doubt url

To friend who claims he knows how to win the lottery

  1. The chances of that happening are pretty close to zero.
  2. How do you figure that?
  3. You don’t say?
  4. Don’t count on it.
  5. You can’t mean that.
  6. It doesn’t work that way.
  7. That’s what they all say.
  8. How can you be so cock-sure of yourself?
  9. It’s all in your head.
  10. It’s not very likely to happen that way.
  11. It’s about time you started being realistic.
  12. Wake up and smell the coffee.

To friend who claims he knows how to win the lottery