In-negative / Confusion url
Trying to remember why you made a certain decision last year
- I can’t explain it.
- I’m not so sure.
- I don’t know what to say about it.
- I’m not sure exactly.
- I haven’t the slightest idea.
- I can’t put my finger on it.
- I don’t have a clue.
- I don’t remember off the top of my head.
- Your guess is a good as mine.
- That’s the thing I don’t understand.
- How can I be sure?
Trying to remember why you made a certain decision last year
In-neutral / Acceptance url
Losing a bet at the casino
- Them’s the breaks.
- I’ll make the best of it.
- Eventually I’m going to have to face the music.
- I’ve learned my lesson.
- That just goes to show you.
- I should have seen that coming a mile away.
Losing a bet at the casino
In-positive / Determination url
Musician practicing
- I have my work cut out for me.
- When I put my mind to it I can do anything!
- It’s a tough road ahead, but mark my word, I'm going to make it.
- I’m determined to show the true grit that is part of my DNA.
- Let’s rise to the occasion.
- I am coming up to speed, slowly but surely.
Musician practicing
Out-positive / Thanks url
After the secretary says she managed to squeeze in an appointment with the doctor
- I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- I appreciate it beyond words.
- Thanks a million.
- I really appreciate it.
- I owe you one.
- That was above and beyond the call of duty.
- I appreciate all that you’ve done, and all the effort that you put into it.
- You did me a big favor.
- Awesome.
- I’m very appreciative, I don’t take it for granted at all.
After the secretary says she managed to squeeze in an appointment with the doctor
Out-positive / Friendship url
Hot talk
- You’re hot stuff.
- You’re cute as a button.
- You’re a real knock-out.
- Your eyes are as blue as the sky.
- I could hug you to death.
- You’re a sweetie pie.
- I’m going to sweep you off your feet.
Hot talk
Out-neutral / Advice url
Don’t worry
- Don’t be a worry-wart.
- Don’t worry about it.
- Put it out of your mind.
- Don’t sit around moping, and get on with your life.
- I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.
- You should look at the bright side of things, and not always be filled with doom and gloom.
- His bark is worse than his bite.
Don’t worry
In-negative / Confusion url
Taking a test without having studied
- It doesn’t ring a bell, it doesn’t sound familiar.
- What am I going to do now?
- I feel I don’t have much of choice.
- I’ve got to go through with it, and I’m hoping for the best.
- I hope I recognize some of the things I’m presented with.
- What should I do?
- What I am doing this for?
Taking a test without having studied
In-neutral / Acceptance url
Getting a doctor’s appointment in 3 months
- Its better late than never.
- All in good time.
- Does it really make such a difference?
- It really doesn’t matter.
- It’ll happen before we know it.
- All things happen to those who wait.
Getting a doctor’s appointment in 3 months
In-negative / Explaining url
Not doing work assignment on time
- I bit off more than I could chew.
- I didn’t accomplish as much as I thought I would.
- I took my best shot.
- That’s the best that I can do.
- It took me longer than I thought it would.
- I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately.
- I was sure I could do more in the time that I had.
- The whole thing blew up in my face.
- I promise to do better next time.
- I don’t know how to answer your question.
- It totally slipped my mind.
- I knew there was something I forgot to do.
- I have no excuse.
Not doing work assignment on time
Out-neutral / Advice url
Look inside yourself
- You’re green with envy.
- Try to remember the best you can.
- Take a good look at yourself.
- Don’t hold back what’s on your mind, spit it out, and let me know what you’re thinking.
- Your pride got in your way.
- Let your inner voice be your guide.
- Why would you want to do something like that?
Look inside yourself
In-negative / Doubt url
Being told that a certain penny stock is a sure thing
- I have a nagging suspicion that this isn’t on the up and up.
- I don’t feel right about it.
- I just can’t buy that.
- You can’t fool me.
- I’ve heard that before.
- That’s wishful thinking.
- It’s a figment of your imagination.
- Whatever gave you that idea?
- I wouldn’t be too sure.
- It won’t hold water.
- I find that very hard to believe.
- What are you talking about?
- If I did that, it would be against my better judgement.
Being told that a certain penny stock is a sure thing
In-neutral / Caution url
Thinking of dating someone from the wrong side of the tracks
- I feel that persion might be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
- Assumptions can be deceptive.
- I don’t know where this is all heading.
- If you ask me I think I should just call the whole thing off.
- I think that could be like opening up a Pandora’s box.
- That might be wishful thinking.
- Curiosity killed the cat.
- Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
- I have a funny feeling that I should drop it like a hot potato if I know what’s good for me.
- Am I seeing the world with rose colored glasses?
Thinking of dating someone from the wrong side of the tracks