Total Phrases- 4513
337 of 402

In-positive / Confidence url

Handing in a task to boss ahead of schedule

  1. I’m on a roll.
  2. I’ve been as busy as a bee.
  3. I’ve gotten the hang of it.
  4. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
  5. In order to get this to happen, I had to jump through hoops.
  6. Sign, sealed and delivered.
  7. Well that takes care of that.
  8. What did I tell you?

Handing in a task to boss ahead of schedule

338 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

You’re not negotiating well-2

  1. Did that ever occur to you?
  2. I was afraid you’d do that.
  3. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.
  4. Don’t keep harping on it.
  5. Why did you bring it up in the first place?
  6. That’s a cop out.
  7. We’re finally talking about something important, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t change the subject.
  8. Who asked you?
  9. That’s the oldest trick in the book.
  10. You let the cat out of the bag.
  11. You cried wolf once too often.
  12. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
  13. Come on, spill the beans.
  14. You act like someone with a chip on his shoulder.
  15. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes.
  16. You’re acting like you have a chip on your shoulder.
  17. You give me no choice but to do what I feel is my obligation to do.

You’re not negotiating well-2

339 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

You are wrong

  1. That’s where you’re wrong.
  2. I should think not.
  3. That’s out of the question.
  4. That’s not so.
  5. If you think I’m going to go along with you on that, you have another guess coming.
  6. You had your chance.
  7. You just wait and see.
  8. I wouldn’t be so sure of that.
  9. That doesn’t even come close.
  10. You’re sadly mistaken.
  11. You couldn’t fool me for a minute.
  12. You are way off base.
  13. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  14. That option is just not in the realm of possibility.
  15. That choice is just out of the question.

You are wrong

340 of 402

Out-negative / Push away url

Don’t push me

  1. Don’t rush me.
  2. Don’t pressure me, I’m going to get around to it in my own sweet time.
  3. I will do whatever I want to do in my own back yard.
  4. Don’t put pressure on me.
  5. Who do you think I am anyway?
  6. It’s a free country.
  7. Don’t play games with me.
  8. Don’t stand in my way.
  9. Don’t give me the third degree.

Don’t push me

341 of 402

Out-negative / Annoyed url

You are lying-1

  1. You’re lying through your teeth.
  2. You’re as phony as a two dollar bill.
  3. Don’t start with that whole song and dance.
  4. You’re full of hot air.
  5. Just cut the bull.
  6. Don’t hand me that baloney.
  7. It’s a pack of lies.
  8. You speak with fork tongue.
  9. I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re withholding from me a very important piece of information.
  10. That’s utter nonsense.
  11. Don’t give me that crap.
  12. Cut the baloney.
  13. Oh give me a break, will you?
  14. I smell a rat.
  15. Do you expect me to believe that?
  16. Oh, give me a break!

You are lying-1

342 of 402

In-positive / Confidence url

Preparing a new military strategy

  1. The coast is clear.
  2. Don’t you worry about it.
  3. Heaven helps those who help themselves.
  4. Everything’s under control.
  5. I know what the score is.
  6. I’m ready, willing, and able.
  7. He who hesitates is lost.
  8. Things are falling into place.
  9. I just had a brainstorm.
  10. We’re entering the home stretch, and I think we’ll soon see that all our hard work will soon be handsomely rewarded.
  11. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Preparing a new military strategy

343 of 402

In-positive / Surprise url

You win the lottery

  1. The experience was so strange that I felt I was entering into never-never land.
  2. You could have knocked me over with a feather.
  3. Oh my gosh!
  4. It happened just outta the blue.
  5. It really blew my mind.
  6. Can you believe it?
  7. Boy, I’m telling you.
  8. One thing happened after another, and suddenly I found myself in a position that was totally unexpected.

You win the lottery

344 of 402

In-negative / Explaining url

Waking up after being drunk

  1. When I woke up I was so disoriented that at first I couldn’t remember where I was.
  2. I don’t know what to tell you.
  3. I’m wiped out.
  4. My head is pounding.
  5. I feel totally depleted.
  6. I went into a tailspin.
  7. I’m going to take a short walk outside just to clear my head.
  8. I was caught red-handed.
  9. I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.
  10. The bottom line is that I just couldn’t help it.
  11. Don’t remind me.
  12. I feel like I’ve been dragging myself around all day.
  13. I need more shut-eye.
  14. It knocked the wind knocked out of me.

Waking up after being drunk

345 of 402

In-positive / Relief url

Surviving after being lost in the desert for 3 days.

  1. I was on my last legs, and I didn’t think I could hold out much longer, when I was miraculously saved in the nick of time.
  2. I got through by the skin of my teeth.
  3. I don’t know how I did it.
  4. I got in just under the wire.
  5. At the end if was touch and go, and I was wondering if I was going to make it.
  6. Home, sweet, home.
  7. Things are finally getting back to normal.
  8. I was on my last legs.

Surviving after being lost in the desert for 3 days.

346 of 402

Out-positive / Friendship url

Opening a conversation

  1. A penny for your thoughts?
  2. What’s on your mind?
  3. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
  4. Do you like it here?
  5. How’s it going?
  6. Let’s have a little chat.
  7. Let me know when you are free.
  8. Let’s not talk shop.

Opening a conversation

347 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Accept it-1

  1. Come to terms with it.
  2. You can’t always get what you want.
  3. I don’t think you have a choice.
  4. You’d better get used to it.
  5. It’s a change for the best.
  6. You can’t make it last forever.
  7. Put it in the past.
  8. You did it of your own free will.
  9. It’s out of your hands now.
  10. Let’s face it.
  11. You have to put up with it.
  12. You got off lucky this time.
  13. No use crying over spilled milk.
  14. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
  15. Different strokes for different folks.
  16. The message is direct, clear, and in your face.
  17. You made your bed, now lie in it.
  18. Life has its twists and turns.

Accept it-1

348 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Try to negotiate correctly & fairly-1

  1. Somehow you’re making me feel guilty about what we both know took place out of the blue.
  2. Come on, out with it, spill the beans, and fess-up, because to tell you the truth I expected it all along.
  3. Please, hear me out!
  4. You couldn’t possibly object.
  5. Give me a fighting chance.
  6. You owe me that much.
  7. You just don’t want to admit it.
  8. Come on, be real!
  9. Please do your utmost to pay attention, and keep your mind on the subject.
  10. Let me be the judge of that.
  11. Be straight with me.
  12. Are you trying to pull the wool over my eyes?

Try to negotiate correctly & fairly-1