Total Phrases- 4513
85 of 402

Out-negative / Push away url

Stay away from me

  1. You give me the creeps.
  2. Keep your claws off me.
  3. You make my skin crawl.
  4. That’s none of your business.
  5. That’s not for you to judge.
  6. Keep your hands to yourself.
  7. Don’t rain on my parade.
  8. Don’t come barging in here.
  9. I’ve had enough of this, I want out.
  10. Good riddance!
  11. Oh, get lost.
  12. Don’t overstay your welcome.

Stay away from me

86 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

Do you mind if I take the car to shop for food?

  1. That’s fine with me.
  2. By all means.
  3. Be my guest.
  4. That’s cool with me.
  5. I don’t mind at all.

Do you mind if I take the car to shop for food?

87 of 402

In-negative / Explaining url

Feeling depressed

  1. Things have gotten completely out of control.
  2. I’m not feeling well now, but hopefully I’ll feel a lot better in the near future.
  3. I’ve been better.
  4. I have to figure it out for myself.
  5. You’re catching me at a bad time.
  6. I’m having a tough time.
  7. Recently I’ve been bouncing around like a yo-yo.
  8. I’ve had my ups and downs.
  9. I'm not myself.
  10. I have a lot on my mind.
  11. I never said it was going to be any different from the way it turned out.
  12. I never saw myself that way before.
  13. I feel like a bundle of nerves.
  14. I feel like a bump on a log.
  15. If you only knew what I’ve been through.
  16. I’ve been feeling under the weather.
  17. What I've been through has really knocked the stuffing out of me.
  18. Whenever I’m nervous, I tend to clam up.
  19. After a while, I just ran out of steam.

Feeling depressed

88 of 402

Out-positive / Friendship url

Offering help-1

  1. If there’s anything you want or need, at anytime, don’t hesitate to ask.
  2. Your wish is my command.
  3. I haven’t failed you yet.
  4. I’ll help you every step of the way.
  5. I’ll be right with you.
  6. I could teach you a thing or two.
  7. I’ll be your rock of Gibraltar.
  8. You have my word on it.
  9. I’m pleased to be of help.
  10. If you need me, you know where to find me.
  11. I’m never too busy for you.
  12. I’ll back you a 100 percent.
  13. You can count on me.

Offering help-1

89 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Just missing the train

  1. That’s not so terrible.
  2. That’s how it is sometimes.
  3. So be it.
  4. There’s more where that came from.
  5. That’s the way it goes.
  6. What can you do?

Just missing the train

90 of 402

In-positive / Confidence url

Planning a birthday party for a child

  1. Don’t worry your little head about it.
  2. It’s falling into place.
  3. That’s hardly a problem.
  4. I have it all figured out.
  5. All the plans are in place.
  6. You don’t have to worry about anything.
  7. You can put all your concerns aside and look forward to something wonderful.

Planning a birthday party for a child

91 of 402

Out-neutral / Observation url


  1. It’s as pure as the driven snow.
  2. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
  3. Some things never change.
  4. What you see is what you get.
  5. It takes one to know one.
  6. That’s par for the course.
  7. You see one, you’ve seen them all.
  8. What goes around, comes around.
  9. They’re a dime a dozen.


92 of 402

In-positive / Surprise url

Learning that a friend is ill

  1. His illness came out of the blue.
  2. He’s never been sick a day in his life.
  3. I don’t know what to say.
  4. I didn’t expect that.
  5. It’s beyond comprehension.
  6. What brought this on?
  7. I still can’t believe it’s true.
  8. I’m in a state of denial.
  9. It came as a great shock.
  10. I found the news earth shattering.

Learning that a friend is ill

93 of 402

In-positive / Remembering url

Remembering an event from the past

  1. It’ll never be the same as it was back then.
  2. That’s history now.
  3. That was a night to remember.
  4. I guess you had to have been there.
  5. I’ve burnt a lot of bridges behind me.
  6. I miss those times long gone.
  7. The joy that I felt when I got married was off the charts.
  8. Then it happened, and the rest is history.

Remembering an event from the past

94 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url


  1. Do something about it.
  2. Get on the ball.
  3. Give it a whirl.
  4. There’s no time like the present!
  5. Don’t put it off.
  6. Give it the old college try.
  7. You can’t walk with both feet on the ground.
  8. Don’t be passive.
  9. This is the moment of truth.
  10. Rise to the occasion.
  11. Take the bull by the horns.
  12. Strike while the iron is hot.
  13. This is a chance of lifetime.


95 of 402

In-positive / Determination url

Captain of a football team

  1. It’s not over until it’s over.
  2. We have to take the bull by the horns.
  3. I’m pumped and primed for action.
  4. We busted our butts, and we got it done.
  5. Make it snappy.
  6. I don’t give out trade secrets.
  7. On your mark, get set, go.
  8. No one can stop us now.
  9. So what are we waiting for?
  10. We’ve got to rise to the occasion.
  11. Let's make this year our crowing achievement.

Captain of a football team

96 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

I will stop you-2

  1. Wait till I get my hands on you.
  2. See you in court.
  3. I’m going to put your lights out.
  4. I won’t let you.
  5. I’m putting you on notice.
  6. You just wait and see.
  7. Over my dead body.
  8. I won’t stand for it.
  9. I’m not going to take any guff from you.
  10. I’m not going to let you get away with that.

I will stop you-2