Total Phrases- 4513
73 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

You will regret this

  1. You’ll be sorry.
  2. You can dish it out but you can’t take it.
  3. You’ll pay for this.
  4. You can’t get away with that.
  5. You had it coming to you.
  6. You deserve everything you get.

You will regret this

74 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Try to see my viewpoint-2

  1. That’s fairly obvious.
  2. I didn’t expect what happened any more than you.
  3. It’s about time that you came around to seeing things from my point of view.
  4. You know that as well as I do.
  5. Take my word for it.
  6. Give me the benefit of the doubt.
  7. I’ve told you the same thing time and time again.
  8. Try to be open minded.
  9. Correct me if I’m wrong.
  10. You know what I mean?
  11. Now let’s just assume this for the sake of argument.
  12. Let the facts speak for themselves.
  13. That's as clear as day.

Try to see my viewpoint-2

75 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

Stop what you are doing-2

  1. Are you trying to start up with me?
  2. You wouldn’t dare.
  3. Let that be a warning to you.
  4. There’s no excuse for that.
  5. Who do you think I am?
  6. Hold your horses.
  7. Don’t you dare do any such thing.
  8. Haven’t you done enough harm already?
  9. Don’t make a scene.
  10. Let’s drop the subject!
  11. Wait just a cotton picking minute.
  12. Where do you think you’re going?
  13. You just can’t help yourself, can you?
  14. Enough of that.
  15. OK, enough of this for now.

Stop what you are doing-2

76 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

I see that you are bad

  1. What do you take me for?
  2. Do you take me for a fool?
  3. Don’t play me for a fool.
  4. You’re as spoiled as a rotten egg.
  5. Have you got something up your sleeve?
  6. I don’t like what’s going down.
  7. The whole situation makes me sick to my stomach.
  8. You’re an accident looking for a place to happen.
  9. You rub me the wrong way.
  10. You’re a disgrace to humanity.
  11. You should be ashamed of yourself!
  12. You are down right pathetic.
  13. I had the feeling you’re up to something.
  14. You’re lying through your teeth.
  15. That’s a bald faced lie.
  16. I bet your plan is the stab me in the back when I’m not expecting it.
  17. How can anyone in his right mind do something like what you just did.

I see that you are bad

77 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

Stop what you are doing-1

  1. Now cut that out.
  2. Will you cut the crap?
  3. I’m not going to permit that type of activity happening in my house.
  4. Cut it out, stop that right now.
  5. Hold it right there.
  6. I’m telling you once and for all.
  7. See that it doesn’t happen again.
  8. Watch your step.
  9. If you want to know how I will react if you do that, just try me.
  10. Drop the subject.
  11. If you think I’m going to sit back and let you say things like that to me, you have another guess coming.
  12. That will be enough of that.
  13. Don’t you dare!
  14. Just leave it alone.
  15. Woah, hold your horses!
  16. You must be out of your cotton-picking mind!

Stop what you are doing-1

78 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url

Slow down

  1. Just slow down and review your options before you make a rash move.
  2. Take it one step at a time.
  3. You have all the time in the world.
  4. Take your time.
  5. You have to think this through.
  6. That take’s time.
  7. Slow down and take a deep breath.
  8. You deserve a break.
  9. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Slow down

79 of 402

In-positive / Surprise url

A friend wins the race for mayor

  1. Now that takes the cake!
  2. Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.
  3. In all my years of experience I’ve never seen anything like it.
  4. Wasn’t that a real kick in the pants?
  5. Oh, my goodness.
  6. It left me speechless.
  7. Isn’t that a kick in the pants?
  8. How do you like them apples?

A friend wins the race for mayor

80 of 402

Out-positive / Friendship url

Stating commitment-2

  1. I’ll be your Rock of Gibraltar.
  2. Till death do us part.
  3. You’re the answer to my dreams.
  4. You mean the world to me.
  5. I’d be lost without you.
  6. What would I do without you?
  7. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.
  8. You’re all that a man/woman could hope for.
  9. Where have you been all my life?
  10. I’m mad about you.
  11. You’re a dream come true.
  12. You take my breath away.

Stating commitment-2

81 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Losing a bet at the casino

  1. Them’s the breaks.
  2. I’ll make the best of it.
  3. Eventually I’m going to have to face the music.
  4. I’ve learned my lesson.
  5. That just goes to show you.
  6. I should have seen that coming a mile away.

Losing a bet at the casino

82 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

You’re not negotiating well-3

  1. That’s a low blow.
  2. I have to watch you like a hawk.
  3. I feel like I’m being rail-roaded into it.
  4. Who are you trying to kid?
  5. I don’t trust you any more than I can throw you.
  6. Now you’re showing your true colors.
  7. Don’t point the finger at me.
  8. I’ll give you one more chance.
  9. Why open up old wounds?
  10. I know how you operate.
  11. Where do you come from saying something like that to me?
  12. Wait just one cotton pickin’ minute.
  13. That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard.
  14. I suspect that you might have an ace up your sleeve.

You’re not negotiating well-3

83 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

Stay away from me

  1. Mind your own business.
  2. Don’t butt in.
  3. Will you lay off?
  4. Don’t start with me.
  5. Stay out of it and mind your own business.
  6. I don’t want your two cents worth.
  7. Keep your hands to yourself.
  8. Leave me alone.
  9. It is no business of yours.
  10. Stop bugging me.

Stay away from me

84 of 402

In-negative / Confusion url

Being a victim of a robbery

  1. I haven’t the faintest idea what happened.
  2. OK, now what do I do?
  3. I don’t know what to say.
  4. It’s hard to believe.
  5. I feel totally disoriented.
  6. I'm shell-shocked.
  7. What happened is weird, and can’t be explained so easily.
  8. This really messed up my schedule, but I’ll do what I can to get back to a semblance of normalcy.
  9. What was that all about?
  10. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.
  11. How did that happen?

Being a victim of a robbery