Total Phrases- 4513
157 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

I followed your advice, and told her that I was sorry, and that ended the argument

  1. That’s just what I said.
  2. That’s what I figured.
  3. I know that only all too well from personal experience.
  4. I knew you’d understand.
  5. That’s more like it.
  6. No harm done.
  7. That was a step in the right direction.
  8. I think that made the most sense.
  9. I’m glad you gave it a try.
  10. That is very cool.
  11. I'm happy that it all worked out for the best.
  12. Been there, done that.

I followed your advice, and told her that I was sorry, and that ended the argument

158 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Try to negotiate correctly & fairly-2

  1. Don’t beat around the bush.
  2. You’re playing hard to get.
  3. I’m going to hold you to it.
  4. By the look in your eyes you look as if your mind is a thousand miles away.
  5. You’re putting words in my mouth.
  6. Don’t hold it over my head.
  7. You’re stretching it a bit.
  8. Is there something you’re not telling me?
  9. Face up to it.
  10. Would you slow down, I can’t get a word in edge wise.

Try to negotiate correctly & fairly-2

159 of 402

Out-positive / Friendship url


  1. I told you all I can tell you.
  2. You can trust me, I won’t breathe a word about it to anyone, and it won’t go beyond here.
  3. Remember, not a word about this to anyone.
  4. I won’t tell a soul.
  5. A little birdie told me.
  6. That’s just between us.
  7. I’ll let you in on a secret.
  8. Keep it to yourself.
  9. Your secret is safe with me.


160 of 402

In-positive / Confidence url

Predicting that the stock market with go up

  1. I’d put my money on it.
  2. I just know it.
  3. I’m as sure as I can be.
  4. It’s going to happen sooner than you think.
  5. As far as I’m concerned, it’s true beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  6. That’s the way I see it.
  7. You can be sure of it.
  8. You better believe it.
  9. You can be sure of that.
  10. You mark my words.
  11. There’s no doubt about it.
  12. I’d lay odds on it.
  13. You bet your life.
  14. Believe you me!
  15. I know what I’m talking about.
  16. You can bank on it.

Predicting that the stock market with go up

161 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

I find your viewpoint hard to understand-2

  1. The two things are as different as night and day.
  2. What are you getting at?
  3. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  4. I’ve heard that line before.
  5. Give me a straight answer.
  6. I think you’re being too narrow minded.
  7. Do you realize what you’re saying?
  8. I can’t figure you out.
  9. How do you explain that?
  10. Oh yes, didn’t you know that?
  11. Ah, come on now, you must be kidding.
  12. Now what do you mean by that?
  13. Why would I want to do something like that?
  14. I have bigger fish to fry.

I find your viewpoint hard to understand-2

162 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url


  1. Play it to the hilt.
  2. Stick to your guns.
  3. You have to stand on your own two feet.
  4. Give it your all.
  5. Don’t be such a wimp.
  6. Hang tight.
  7. No pain no gain.
  8. You’re on your own.
  9. Don’t underestimate yourself.
  10. Give it you’re best.
  11. Show what you are made of.
  12. Try your best to keep in mind the basic rules of success.
  13. See it through to the end.
  14. Success breeds success.


163 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

You are wrong

  1. That’s where you’re wrong.
  2. I should think not.
  3. That’s out of the question.
  4. That’s not so.
  5. If you think I’m going to go along with you on that, you have another guess coming.
  6. You had your chance.
  7. You just wait and see.
  8. I wouldn’t be so sure of that.
  9. That doesn’t even come close.
  10. You’re sadly mistaken.
  11. You couldn’t fool me for a minute.
  12. You are way off base.
  13. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  14. That option is just not in the realm of possibility.
  15. That choice is just out of the question.

You are wrong

164 of 402

In-positive / Relief url

Getting a bonus from work to pay off loans

  1. We nipped it in the bud.
  2. It happened just in the nick of time.
  3. That takes a big load off of my mind.
  4. Thank goodness for little things.
  5. It’s just what the doctor ordered.
  6. We were saved just by the skin on our teeth.
  7. Things will finally get back to normal.
  8. When I heard the news, I breathed a sigh of relief.
  9. Our ship has finally come in.

Getting a bonus from work to pay off loans

165 of 402

In-positive / Happiness url

Resting at home on a day off

  1. It’s nice to be home.
  2. It’s a nice change of pace.
  3. There’s no place like home.
  4. I’ve never felt better in my life.
  5. I have the best of both worlds.
  6. There’s nothing quite like it.
  7. Home sweet home.
  8. Everything is just swell.
  9. This is the day we’ve all been waiting for.

Resting at home on a day off

166 of 402

In-negative / Confusion url

Being given a bag of rocks for a present

  1. I don’t know what to do with it.
  2. What am I going to do with all this stuff?
  3. What does this mean?
  4. What do you mean by this?
  5. I’m almost afraid to ask.
  6. Do you mind telling me what this is about?
  7. Does it make any sense?
  8. I’m speechless.
  9. I wonder what that means.
  10. It doesn’t make any sense at all.
  11. I don't get it.

Being given a bag of rocks for a present

167 of 402

In-positive / Amazed url

General Amazement Situations

  1. I can’t believe how hot it is.
  2. Where is everybody?
  3. My goodness!
  4. Now that’s a good question.
  5. That must have cost you a pretty penny.
  6. He’s growing like a weed.
  7. The phone’s been ringing off the hook.
  8. Have I got a story to tell you!
  9. You don’t know the half of it.
  10. You’d never guess in a million years.
  11. It’s like he has eyes in the back of his head.
  12. Look at it come down, it’s raining cats and dogs.
  13. I can’t believe how cold it is.
  14. It boggles the mind just to imagine the possibilities.
  15. He’s the spitting image of him.
  16. What's your secret sauce?

General Amazement Situations

168 of 402

In-positive / Confidence url

Using a new recipe for a meal

  1. I heard it directly from the horse’s mouth.
  2. Trust me I know what I’m doing.
  3. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
  4. Maybe that’s all I have to do to make it work.
  5. That’s the way I like it.
  6. It’s as easy as pie.
  7. I’ve done it before, I’m totally capable of doing it again.
  8. I can handle it myself.
  9. It’s as easy as that.
  10. It’s a piece of cake!
  11. I can do it with one hand tied behind my back.
  12. The proof is in the pudding.

Using a new recipe for a meal